divendres, 3 de gener del 2014

TWIN PEAKS. Flavor b​/​w Come Bother Me

Un poc de glam està bé per començar quest any, des de Chicago quest single dels Twin Peaks.

Chicago punks Twin Peaks’ latest single, “Flavor” is brash and bold as lead singer Cadien James’ raw growl is accompanied by a tambourine and mod swagger. Compared to tracks on their full-length debut, Sunken, the boys have amplified their melodic, ’60s sensibilities with intricate instrumentation.

Hook after hook, two minutes of “Flavor” make the perfect, rock bite after a long day. Sun-drenched guitars shine on “Come Bother Me” as rolling acoustics offset the unabashed, drumming style of Connor Brodner. These midwest boys sound west coast, beach-bred as lo-fi buzz muddles the innocent tale of inviting someone over for a chill hang and some weed. Live long, eternal summer and do as the Peaks’ dudes do. (Jessi Roti)

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