divendres, 3 de gener del 2014

DOTT. Swoon

Una banda de Galway que practica una espècie de barreja entre pop, rock i garatge i que rep crítiques tan bones com les següents:

“Sunny garage rock with dash, shizzle and superfly choruses from Galway-based underground supergroup” – Jim Carrol, On the Record, The Irish Times.

“Glowing garage pop, catchy and super fun” – Niall Byrne, Nialler9.com

“Dott have some infectious tunes on their Button EP… “Leave Tonight” and “Let’s Do It” are especially good.” – Bill Pearis, Brooklyn Vegan

“Managing to sound at once like a classic garage band you somehow missed and as fresh as any current Irish guitar band, Dott have sound-tracked the summer for many music fans. With their style fusing distorted guitars and infectious lyrics, they have proven to be one of the bands to watch on the Irish music scene. They’re the kind of band that listeners want to claim rights to having been first to fall for their quirky charm. The stratosphere beckons.” – Paul McConnell, State Magazine

” ‘Button’ is a timely release – a perfect accompaniment to these balmy summer evenings, and a nice pre-cursor to a long-player to take us well into the night.” – GoldenPlec.com

“Dott’s pop goodies don’t just melt, they snap and crackle too. A lo-fi, fuzzy, more alternative sound merges with the band’s pop sensibilities.” – WeAreNoise.com

“it’s grunge in the nicest possible way… simple, sweet indie pop songs with a lick of fuzz wrapped in gorgeous harmonies.” – JustMusicThatILike.com

“Button from Dott is doing all sorts of funny sunshiny things to my head and heart, even more impressive considering the horrible grey clouds staring in at me through the window.” -TheGManWorld.com

“Let’s Do It will banish the glums, raise your spirits, lift your eyes, embolden your heart and part your lips to sing along all day to that super-catchy chorus.” – HarmlessNoise.com

“This is something to be heard. This is pure, unfiltered talent and it shines brilliantly through their original jams.” – TurningIntoObscure.com

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