dimecres, 3 de febrer del 2016

CHURCH GIRLS. Thousand lives

Church Girls són de Philadelphia i no és un grup femení. Són quatre components i la cantant si que és una dona, na Mariel Beaumont, amb una veu d'aquelles que et sedueixen a la primera, potent, dolça i vellutada. Tot i que algun tema és dels potents, la majoria són peces tristes com diuen a Philebrity.com són temes posseïts pels fantasmes del passat. Personalment m'agraden més els dos primers temes "Thousand lives" i "Avalanche" on exploren terrenys més salvatges però hem de reconèixer que quan es posen malenconiosos també són interessants.

In their new album, Thousand Lives, Philly’s Church Girls find themselves possessed by the ghosts of the past. “All my idols, they are dead and buried, and I think you should bury me,” declares singer Mariel Beaumont on the blistering track “Dead,” and the album ends with the cooing declaration that “you’ll always be alone” in “Smoke Signals.” Ouch. Despite the melancholy and occasional kissoffs, listeners will find nothing but contentment from the group’s post-Drop Nineteens songcraft. (Especially on the gloriously poppy “Slow”). Church Girls will play Johnny Brenda’s on February 19th with Queen of Jeans and Madalean Gauze, which will give you the chance to hear this early contender for year’s best LP in a live setting where you most definitely won’t be alone, despite what they may say.(Philebrity.com)

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