divendres, 29 de gener del 2016

HALFSOUR. Tuesday Night Live

Escoltant el primer tema d'aquest treball estava decidit a no seguir, l'havia catalogat immediatament com un d'aquells treballs d'elaboració casolana sense més interès, però llegint el text que he adjuntat me n'he adonat que només es tractava del primer tema que fos una demo-tape. A partir del segon tema ja no he pogut deixar d'escoltar! Indie rock bàsicament amb dues veus que es van alternant al llarg dels temes i que ens recorden molt a les primeres Breeders. Això ja ha de ser determinant per dedicar-los una estona. Temes molt curts i directes per un primer treball que promet. Molt interessants!

As the legend goes, Halfsour started out as a Guided By Voices cover band. Well, I can sort of hear it when I squint my ears, but this coed trio from Boston actually reminds me a lot of the harder-edged indiepop bands of the late '90s/early '00s, specifically New Grenada (of whom they are a dead-ringer, at times) and Wolfie (and its many off-shoots, such as the Like Young and National Splits). Their songs are generally short and punchy - only a few times do they pass the three-minute mark, blasting you with catchy guitar melodies and bratty boy/girl vocals. Following up a short-run demo tape and a split 12" EP with Reports on Ride The Snake Records, this is Halfsour's debut album, and it certainly shows a lot of promise - definitely a band to watch out for! (Bandcamp)

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