dimecres, 9 de desembre del 2015

AIRPORT. Heat Flash

Poca informació hem pogut trobar sobre Airport, llevat que són de Portland (Oregon) i que estan formats per: Vincent Furrillo, Jesse Van Sickle, Rachel Zakrasek, Jose Velazco i Ryan Lund. El seu indie pop resulta contagiós des de la primera nota i els primers acords. Els temes van passant un rera l'atre i el nivell es manté prou alt. Tenint en compte que les seves preferències musicals són Galaxie 500, Yo La Tengo, Stereolab, the Sea and Cake, MBV, Real Estate, Wild Nothing, Jesus and Mary Chain, Beat Happening, Seapony, Tender Age, the Velvet Underground i Fleetwood Mac com diuen ells mateixos al seu facebook, ja podem intuir quin tipus de material fabriquen. Si teniu un moment, no dubteu en escoltar els primers temes, hi quedareu enganxats de seguida si us agrada el seu estil musical.

(Church, 2600 NE Sandy) One of the handy things about being a bike messenger is that you can drop off your band's record at the Mercury office in between rounds. That's what Vincent Furrillo did with his band Airport's debut cassette, Heat Flash, and thank goodness he bothered. It's a fantastic, uplifting collection of dreamy, starry-eyed pop, with clean guitars strummed at deafeningly high volumes and heartache melodies arcing toward the sky like fireworks about to explode. Airport, formerly called Metropolis, celebrates the release of Heat Flash at tonight's show. The tape was printed in a limited edition of 50 from Brooklyn label Cryptic Carousel, which means they'll disappear fast. I feel incredibly lucky to have one. NL (Bandcamp)

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