divendres, 20 de novembre del 2015

THREE MAN CANNON. Will I Know You Then

Des de Philadelphia ens arriben els Three Man Cannon amb aquest "Will I Know You Then". Un treball de només 6 peces però que no consideren un Ep. Si l'hagués de qualificar amb una sola paraula diria que és INTENS. Intens i una mica obscur pens jo coincidint amb l'apreciació que d'ells en fan des del blog "isthealternative". Un tema destacaria per sobre els altres, "Gold or Silver", un tema a cavall entre el rock americà de tota la vida i l'indie rock que tant ens agrada. Ells, al seu bandcamp, el qualifiquen d'indie punk però el primer terme no m'acaba de convèncer. Guitarres contundents en trobam a totes les composicions i una secció rítmica també potent i a la vegada camaleònica. A "Pushing People" hi apareix també un piano en el tema més tranquil del disc. En definitiva un treball molt recomanable i que de segur no estarà a cap llista de final d'any però que m'ha alegrat molts de moments aquests darrers mesos.
I don't know how to talk about this record. Will I Know You Then fills a void that only a method actor could. The songs sulk and brew with an intense amount of emotional potency. Three Man Cannon embody a new sound of indie rock that casually digests its former folk roots and spits out a more cohesive project. The album is being released through Lame-O Records.
The one thing I have to say is that this record takes a while to sink in. It's slower than most other albums I enjoy listening to and it trudges along with an intellectual passion not seen in many other acts. There are only six songs here but they encompass 31 minutes of music. The dark toned "Mood" is the song that brought to life my interest in this record. The song unwinds as the guitars grow in power, the drums pounding along as the vocals groan out, "spinning deeper into a dark, dark place. always together." It sounds melancholic and feels even more down. Three Man Cannon possess the power to make beautiful movements, such as the mid section of opener "Honest." The pianos and lead guitar melody hum along together against a steady rhythm section. 
A few of these tracks are hefty, with "Pushing People" being a six and a half minute pulse of arpeggiated chords. Closing track "Now Nothing" is the same way, but stretched out longer and filled in by more airy musical motifs. It can be either hit or miss depending on how the listener feels about this dark, almost emo revival jam progression. It's a rather perfect send off for an album I had no idea I would connect with. Will I Know You Then is a record more for people willing to lose themselves in a fit of sincere compositions. I still don't know how to talk about it, but I enjoy listening to it.

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