dimarts, 11 de febrer del 2014

THE DEATH OF POP. Two Thousand and Thirteen

Amd el nom de "Two thousand and thirteen" els de The Death of Pop han recopilat tot el material que han anat editant al llarg de l'any anterior. Una bona mostra de treball de pop honest i de qualitat. "Tasteless" amb el seu ritme clarament madchesterià n'és un exemple perfecte i així una peça rera l'altra. Segurament haureu escoltat algun tema en algun dels recopilatoris anuals que han anat sortint a finals del 2013. Pagant el que vulgueu, aquí teniu tots els temes recopilats. Un autèntic plaer per als sentits.

I love The Death of Pop. I am unashamed to admit this. They make the kind of music that I love. It’s catchy, lo-fi, hook heavy, fuzzed out guitar genius. I’m so impressed with everything of their that I have heard that I get worried when they release something in case I don’t love it. So far this hasn’t happened.

This morning when I woke up I got a message saying that as they are one year old today they’ve bundled everything that they’d released last year to commemorate. This year just keeps getting better and better! Out of the 21 tracks contained in it, I can’t pick a favourite. I decided to go with Laugh Now I’m Weak. Its four minutes of woozey, swooney, echoey dream pop. It’s just bloody brilliant. As soon as I hear it I start to sway. It fills me with a euphoria that few songs can. When I hear it I think as long as we have bands like TDoP 2014 will be great.

As I drew this entry to a close, please join me in raising a glass (or cup of tea as it is only 11:38 am) and singing “Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Death of Pop, happy birthday to you!” If this is the quality of their output in 2013, I can’t wait to hear what they do in 2014! (—thisyearinmusic)

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