dimecres, 29 de gener del 2014

THE BRITANYS. Hello Britany

La portada és horrorosa però el contingut és molt aprofitable. Gravat en dos dies, aquest Ep té el regust de les coses immediates. Una mica de power-pop, de blues rock i de indie rock formen una barreja d'estil propi dels grups que comencen. Han après bé la lliço dels mestres de cada estil i les seves composicions, tot i notar-se la joventut ténen una certa qualitat i es deixen escoltar amb molt de gust. Per cert, aprofit per fer-vos una recomanació de la pàgina de mamacocsfunkykitchen, perquè hi trobareu molts de groups novells de l'àrea metropolitana de NYC.

Hey, do you remember the 90’s? Like right before Pop-Punk was the only commercially acceptable form of Rock? Of course you do! And so do the Britanys. With their first release, “Hello Britany,” MCFK new boys The Britanys have made a fierce declaration of intent. A simple once-over of this new EP will bring you on a glorious nostalgia ride to the time of the Cranberries, Pixies and Smashing Pumpkins.

But don’t get me wrong! There is nothing stale or played out about this new sampling from the Britanys, with singer/guitarist Lucas Long’s powerful melodies soaring over slow builds, such as on the opening track, “Mama Says.” In fact, I could wax poetic about the young man’s vocals for pages and pages, as it is my firm belief that he possesses the most unique set of pipes in the entire MCFK family. And he’s a dreamboat.

Before I succumb to a hot flash let’s talk about the rhythm section, with Steele Kratt (what a name!) on the kit and Gabe Shulman on bass. The two provide a steady backbeat through all five tracks, driving the songs to epic climaxes, but truly show their prowess on the EP’s fifth song, “Blue Walls.” Altogether, the Britanys have given us something truly different, and they should be commended for their ability to bridge the gap between brilliant songwriting and the “fuzzed-out” aesthetic. A joyous celebration of melody and heart, go ahead and give the Britanys EP “Hello Britany” a listen.
-Jake Williams (mamacocosfunkykitchen.com)

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