dimarts, 9 d’abril del 2013

CYANNA. The Undressed Ep

Una banda de Grècia que després de publicar dos àlbums amb Sony, és capaç d'autopublicar-se un Ep  com el que estam comentant ens deixa astorats. Està compost per quatre temes d'una qualitat extraordinària. No conec els dos treballs que havien publicat abans però han demostrat que són capaços de fabricar grans temes i es mereixen més oportunitats. Escoltau "To love forever" i veureu voltros mateixos. Hi trobareu detalls dels National, del crooner Nick Cave i fins i tot pop de cambra estil Tindersticks ( sí, ja sé que són paraules majors). Crec que l'únic defecte que tenen és que són grecs, si haguessin sorgit del Regne Unit possiblement la cosa hauria anat d'altra manera.

This self-released EP comes after two albums on Sony Music Entertainment – two failed attempts at latching onto temporal paths to success through emo-gone-bro electro party music in JUSTACRASH(2008), and the socio-political sentimentality of what I propose to describe as “neuticle metal” in 2010’sThe End is Near. The latter has a pregnant belly on the cover and features the worst of the worst “I Wanna Be Your Dog” cover of all time. But let’s move forward, as Cyanna, hailing from the capitol of the dangerously overleveraged country of Greece, has attempted to do with their national economic narrative in tow. The Undressed EP finds them “stripped down,” and if that translates to switching off their synth, and sounding absolutely nothing like the band in previous albums, I’ll buy it.
It seems the recession did them a small artistic favor, as this EP is one rung above a lateral move stylistically; still, it has deposited them at bad Nick Cave or the only kind of Tom Waits, with strip-mall circus slummer alt country Americana. Absent are any girl problems or references to modernity. The only sign of the times is how squarely any of these four songs would befit network original series theme music: namely, LongmireBreaking Bad or Boardwalk Empire. We should all hope these avenues reach out to them, not only because the music is so categorically that, but for all the money they would get, and how tidy an industry peripeteia it would make. (Elizabeth Murphy)

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