dimecres, 30 de gener del 2013


The History of Apple Pie són cinc jovenets anglesos que practiquen un noise pop amb un cert regust a grunge però amb unes veus suaus i càlides. Alguna cosa semblant a My Bloody Valentine però sense tanta distorsió. L'any passat varen anar avançant temes del que, a la fi, ha estat el seu primer treball de llarga durada. Tot i la "tendresa" de les seves veus podem trobar detalls de "mala llet" en les seves composicions que fan de tot un artefacte contagiós que t'enganxa a la primera.

Earlier this month, PopMatters tapped the up-and-coming UK act the History of Apple Pie on our list of“The Best Hopes to Break Out in 2013”, so it goes without saying that we are excited to share the U.S. premiere of the group’s first album, Out of View. Out 1/29/2013 on Marshall Teller, Out of View offers a lot of what you hope for in a debut record, a precocious, vibrant effort by a band with a vital perspective that’s worth pursuing. As Music Editor Arnold Pan described the group’s bubble-grunge sound, the History of Apple Pie puts its own spin one twee indie-rock by “making its fuzzy, buzzy melodies fuzzier and buzzier at the same time the confectionary pop elements come off even sweeter and fluffier, especially the vocals. Of its contemporaries, Yuck would be the best analogue for THOAP, considering the way the newbie group is able to get heavier and grungier without sacrificing any of its sugar-rush pop charms.” We touched base with guitarist Jerome Watson to learn more about the band’s approach, whether the ‘90s count as ancient history, and—of course—where the enigmatic name came from.

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