dilluns, 24 de desembre del 2012

MARS WATER. Tempus Fugit

Mars Water és un grup que vaig descobrir amb el seu primer treball "Here we are" i que havia deixat una mica de banda. Una mescla de lo-fi, pop, algun detall de surf-pop i unes veus que em recordaven, encara que sigui una mica de lluny, la veu de Dean Wareham als primers discs de Galaxie 500, sobretot  del "On Fire". Aquest juliol editaren el seu segon llarga durada però no ha estat fins fa uns dies que l'he descobert amagat en un recopilatori d'un bloc que segueixo sovint, http://www.dingusonmusic.com, així que aquí el vos deix perquè els pugueu seguir. Un treball que segueix la línia de les primeres composicions de Mars Water.

A timeline of things, places, events, and people in the life you’ve been given. Angst, boredom. Skeptics, unfamiliarity. Youth. Melancholy repetition, empty time spent wondering. Drifting through age. Pleading, convincing. Closure, the things remembered and said about you when you’re gone. Mars Water’s “Tempus Fugit” is a celebration of life and death, the stages of the hopes and dreams that complete us somewhere between the beginning and the end.
The third record and second full length from Mars Water is titled ‘Tempus Fugit’ meaning ‘Time Flies’ in Latin. Time is something I think about a lot. It’s something hard to describe as well, as there are many qualities accompanying a standard definition of time, such as nostalgia, impatience, deadlines, angst, etc. 
‘Tempus Fugit’ is a concept album about time and its related qualities, and features a recurring time motif throughout the album’s course. The album includes an instrumental suite progressing from life to death each song. These songs are titled, “The Living,” “The Sasha,” and, “The Zamani.” Swahili culture is known to believe that stages of history or life progress through these stages, where you are either living, in the Sasha, or in the Zamani. The living stage is self explanatory. In the Sasha stage, you have died, but people still remember you and you live on through memory. This is an interesting stage to think about as you would imagine someone would want to leave a mark on the world to stay in the Sasha longer. In a sense, you are a living dead. One enters the Zamani when the last person who remembered them dies, and they have completely passed. Each song of the suite will try and capture the concept of each stage instrumentally. 
The track order in ‘Tempus Fugit’ begins with the sound of children to symbolize the start of life, and continues to get more serious in instrumentation and lyrical content to symbolize the progression and maturation of life until death. 
The album cover signifies ‘Time Flies’ by depicting an older man reflecting on his past and simpler times, while looking over the ever expanding suburbia. He may be thinking how much the time has changed and flown by in his life. 
All components of the album, being the songs, track list, art, lyrics, etc., come together to create Tempus Fugit. I hope you enjoy the concept and all the components of the album! . (Bandcamp)

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