diumenge, 23 de desembre del 2012


El grup d'avui arriba des de Minneapolis i ho fa amb un treball que podríem enquadrar dins un context de noise-pop, shoegaze i altres herbes del mateix estil. Un disc gravat amb poc mitjans però on podem trobar una inspiració clara i un esperit de recerca que és el que anam cercant en les nostres publicacions. Els Flaming Lips podria ser un dels grups a qui hauríem de fer referència a l'hora de fer comparacions. Ja sé que a vegades no serveixen de mlt i que cada un té les seves coses. Aquests International Karate han facturat un treball molt interessant i que vos recoman amb vehemència.

international Karate is Tommy Rehbein + various friends creating noisy, dreamy, and sometimes melancholy pop music. (Bandcamp)

"Panic United" by International Karate is an album of Indie Fuzz Rock.
The heady electronic distortion that leads the majority of most pieces gives everything a heady psychedelic vibe that really makes everything sound simply more cool, and properly decorated. The production at times is pretty Lo-Fi, but controlled... it's not maxing out and doesn't sound cheap, just unmastered.
Songs like "Inammorata" start off shrill and abrasive, before dropping off into a melancholy clean production that eventually delves into space rock, then a combination of all elements.
Some tracks border on 80's synth pop complete with sound bytes and samples (such as in the track "Astronautique"), while others choose to take a turn into experimental noise rock, making the album hard to pin down... think a combination of Pavement and Flaming Lips. Overall the record is a very enjoyable (examiner.com)

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