dimecres, 10 d’abril del 2013

OUTLAW BOOGIE. Hazed and confused Ep

Poca cosa sabem d'aquest nou projecte de Michael-James Dent, simplement que és un projecte en solitari d'aquest personatge de Londres que abans formava part del grup de punk Yoofs. Es tracta d'un treball que no encaixaria massa dins aquest estil però que sí que té la qualitat suficient com per haver-nos cridat l'atenció. Es tracta de sis temes bastant pausats i que es mouen dins un estil pop rock de baixa intensitat. Molt recomanable per a moments del dia en que et ve de gust fer una becadeta. talment ara mateix.

Outlaw Boogie is the project of Michael-James Dent, formerly of Bournemouth based punks Yoofs. Now living in North London, Outlaw Boogie is a solo project in every way - written, sung, and played by Dent and recorded immediately on to his phone, offsetting the late night heartbreak of the songs on Hazed & Confused with an immediacy and punk energy.

Hazed & Confused is the debut release by Outlaw Boogie and is available exclusively on Bandcamp now. (Alt sounds)